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Object-Oriented Programming in C++
This is a textbook written for use in higher education settings that use standard C++ as the programming language. It is the companion text to "Basic Programming in C++" and is written to meet the need for an introductory text to object-oriented programming. An appendix neatly summarizes all the portions of C++

covered in "Basic Programming in C++" for C programmers. Together, the two books cover all the essential aspects of C++.

This book focuses on using classes, covering topics such as inheritance, polymorphism and virtual functions, constructors and destructors, using new and delete, and object-oriented construction. The book includes 240 practice problems, as well as a diskette containing all the programming examples and answers to about half of the programming problems. ORDER>



About the authors:

Senior lecturer Else Lervik and assistant professor Mildrid Ljosland teach in the Faculty of Information Technology and eLearning at Sør-Trøndelag University College. They have been responsible for the department's programming courses for many years and have developed the curricula for these subjects.
