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Introduction to Information Technology
This book will give you basic, up-to-date information on a number of important IT subjects. This book was written for students and others who are looking for a general introduction to the field.

The book is divided into three parts:
Part 1 presents information technology in general, its main categories of components and how they fit into the big picture. A number of the most common and productivity-enhancing tools are also described.

Part 2 focuses on the social and organizational sides of information technology. One of the goals of this part is to give the reader a survey of laws and regulations that affect communications and information management. This part also offers some insight into the opportunities and challenges that this technology poses for businesses.

Part 3 aims to satisfy those who are also interested in knowing how you get "stupid" computers to serve as useful tools. This part devotes a chapter each to the following topics: the way different services and tools work in data modeling, information storage, and transferring and presenting information to users. The last two chapters provide information on different techniques used in programming. ORDER>



About the co-author:

Per Borgersen has a degree in engineering and teaches as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Information Technology and eLearning at Sør-Trøndelag University College. He teaches Publishing to the Internet, Web Techniques and courses in computer communication.
