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About Us

The TISIP Foundation
TISIP is a private research and development foundation. The foundation was established on December 17, 1985 thanks to donations from Den Norske Dataforening / Trøndelag and Norsk Data A/S.

The foundation's mission is to:
Educate and conduct research.
Serve as a unified source of IT expertise.
The financial and other resources the foundation manages are to be used for professional development and to further the expertise of the employees and students in the Faculty of Information Technology and eLearning (AITeL) at Sør-Trøndelag University College (HiST). The foundation has signed a Cooperating Agreement with HiST that regulates resource usage between the institutions.

In cooperation with AITeL, TISIP provides the following
R&D in the fields of IT and eLearning
Courses for credit in the field of IT
Courses for system administrators programming and system development courses
Operating support for educational institutions
Publishes books and other instructional materials

Browse through our Web pages and see what we have to offer!

TISIP and AITeL together have 37 employees and did approximately NOK 15 million in business in 2001.


TISIP's Management
Chair: Geir Maribu
Vice Chair: Arne Bjørn Mikalsen
Per Holger Broch
Greta Hjertø
Øyvind Hallsteinsen

TISIP's general manager,
Tore Berg Hansen.
