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Local Area
Network Management
Design and Security

With most workplaces relying on local area networks (LANs) to connect their computers, the right LAN is in increasingly important in promoting effective communication both within the organisation and with the world at large.

This practical and thorough introduction to managing and designing a LAN explains the underlying technology and gives a theoretical foundation for the vast technical field of LAN operation and design. Practical examples are taken from the most common systems on the market today, both in terms of hardware and software, and this book will also give you
an overview of current trends, particularly with intranets, with useful examples to help you develop your own.

Features of the book include:
A practical introduction to the world's most popular network
operating systems - Windows 2000, Novell NetWare and Linux.
Looks at the organisational/ business issues related to LANs
and in particular the impact of intranets.
Covers data communication in networks, including OSI, TCP/IP and LAN standards.
Discusses network operating systems (NOS).
Describes design features of LAN infrastructure, hardware and wireless LANs.
Security issues with LAN management, including users,
backup systems and standards for network administration

An ideal book for system administrators with responsibility for a LAN or students studying network technology.



About the authors:

Arne B. Mikalsen (picture) and Per Borgesen work as associate professors at the Faculty of Informatics and E-learning, Sør-Trøndelag
University College, where they teach courses in LAN management, network
theories and data communication."
