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Basic Programming in C++
This textbook was written for use in higher education settings that use standard C++ as the programming language. This book was written to meet the needs of introductory courses at colleges and universities and does not require any prior programming experience.
It provides a solid basis for developing more

advanced programming skills such as object-oriented programming.

This book covers topics such as control structures, functions, data types (including addresses and pointers) and structures, using data files and program files. It also includes approximately 450 practice problems with varying degrees of difficulty, as well as a diskette containing all the programming examples and answers to about half of the programming problems. ORDER>



  About the authors:

Senior lecturer Else Lervik and assistant professor Mildrid Ljosland teach in the Faculty of Information Technology and eLearning at Sør-Trøndelag University College. They have been responsible for the department's programming courses for many years and have developed the curricula for these subjects.
