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Linux as an Information Server
"Linux as an Information Server" was first released in August 2001 and covers three topics: basic Linux, managing Linux services, and developing dynamic Web pages. These three topics represent the three sections of the book.
The first part deals with Linux in general and looks at the history of Linux, its installation and settings. It also covers the usual Linux system commands.

The second part looks at installing and managing Linux services. Services like the Web, e-mail and DNS are covered along with Apache, qmail and BIND as examples of server software.

The third part covers techniques for developing the contents of the information systems, with an emphasis on dynamic Web pages.

Linux has experienced remarkable growth since the first version was released in August 1991. The increase in the number of Linux installations has been enormous and the operating system has evolved from a system used only by experts to become a system for users at all levels of experience.

This book provides a practical and thorough introduction to Linux as an operating system and a platform for information services in intranets and on the Internet.

Two CD-ROM disks come with the book. They contain a full version of Red Hat Linux 7.1 with quite a bit of additional software (a graphical user interface, Apache, Samba, and other software necessary to try all the different services that are covered in the second part of the textbook). ORDER>



About the co-author:

Per Borgersen has a degree in engineering and teaches as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Information Technology and eLearning at Sør-Trøndelag University College. He teaches Publishing to the Internet, Web Techniques and courses in computer communication.
