- we offer:


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As an online student, you will receive the following documentation:
• For completing a course without taking the exam: a course
certificate will be issued upon request.
• For taking and passing the exam for the course: a copy of your
grad will be automatically sent 1 - 2 months after the exam.
• For passing the exams for all of the courses required for the
Network Certificate, you will receive a certificate showing that
you've completed and passed the program.
• For successfully completing the 2-year høgskolekandidat
degree and meeting the minimum academic requirements
("generell studiekompetanse") or minimum vocational
experience requirements ("realkompetanse") for entrance to
higher education in Norway, you will automatically receive a
copy of your transcript showing that you've received the
høgskolekandidat degree.
• For passing a 1-year advanced course, you will automatically
receive a transcript for the program you've completed.

  Degree Programs
Individual Classes
Network Certificate