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  Instructional Materials Published by TISIP

Algorithmic Methods Course Packet
This booklet contains lessons and home-work assignments for the "Algorithmic Methods" class. The course packet is in Norwegian, and designed to be used with
the book "Introduction to Algorithms."


In this class, you'll learn algorithms for a number of common computer problems, including sorting. You'll also learn some advanced data structures and what they can be used for, including graphs, hash tables, and heaps. You'll also learn about estimating how much time it will take a program to process a specific amount of data. You have to know how to program already. The homework assignments do not require any specific programming language, so any language can be used.


Computer Technology Course Packet
This booklet contains an introduction to modern computer architecture. The course packet is in Norwegian and covers computer construction and function as well as describing the most important parts such as the CPU, bus, internal memory, cache, secondary memory, the interrupt mechanism,

  I/O, DMA, bus mastering, number systems, 16-bit and 32-bit programs on PCs, the construction of the CPU, micro operations, microprogramming and hard logic, pipeline technology, super scalar architecture and CPUs with dynamic execution. RISC/CISC, mainframes, supercomputers, work stations, and networked PCs.

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