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Salomon, G. & Globerson, T. (1989) When teams do not function the
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(1), 89-100.
Salomon, G (1992). What does the design of effective CSCL require and
how do we study its effects? SIGCUE Outlook, Special Issue on CSCL,
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Wasson, B. (1998). Identifying Coordination Agents for Collaborative
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Put all your references in here. These references could also be annotated if you like to, in order to give more information.
Put all related pattern in here. The personalisation pattern is chosen because the virtual assistant pattern could operate with a personalisation mechanism or act like one.
Rune Baggetun
Name of the author who wrote the pattern.
Date completed. You could also put in a 'last updated' date. Remember design patterns and pattern langiages are evolving enteties.
Shepards: Weiqin Chen, Barbara Wasson, Steinar Dragsnes, Anders Mørch
Put in everybody that have helped you or you want to give some
acknowledgement. You can give a short explanation of their contribution
(e.g. the date is provided by Jon Doe and Professor Foo gave me
correction on the Context section).
Patterns constituing a complete pattern language.