Groundbreaking care
The project “Groundbreaking care” is about developing and transmitting competence on alternative models and (alternative) ways of running the health, social and caretaking services.
The projected is a Swedish – Norwegian cooperation financed by means from the EU regional funds, by national and regional means, as well as co-financing from the participants. It was started as test project in 2003 and the main project is to be completed by the end of 2006.
The participants in this project are the Commune of Oestersund, represented by the MICA center (the Center for Employment with a human focus), the Commune of Stjoerdal, the Commune of Melhus, the LOFOTA- Personnel co-operative , the national farmers' organization of Sweden (LRF), the prefect of Soer-Troendelag County, and the research organization for project development (TISIP) at Soer-Troendelag College in the section of Engineering.
Contribute to developing companies with an alternative approaches to health, social and caretaking services within the region of central Scandinavia and beyond.
The main ideas of the project can be outlined in the four following points:
- Quality and a sense of mastering, both to the clients/consumer and the personnel/ the employees.
- Meaningful activities to the consumers
- Developing the competence of the personnel
- An Emphasis on nature/ wildlife experiences
Efforts/ measures
In the project services are being developed within the following areas:
- Employment offers for people with a mental and physical handicap and psychological difficulties.
- Accommodation/housing for handicapped which is organized in a cooperative of personnel
- “Green” care in farms carried out in the form of activities and work.
- Nature/wildlife experiences for children and youth which are disposed for developing psychological problems
A more detailed description of the project can be obtained by contacting the project management
The project management
Norway – Karl Johan Johansen at TISIP/HIST is the project leader (project coordinator) on the Norwegian side. He has studied political sciences and has a professional background from administration, and managing as well as teaching, research and development work in the social and health sector.
Sweden - Anna Lindegren is a work councilor/advisor at MICA in Oestersund commune and she is leading the Swedish part of the project. She has previously studied social care and social work.