A university - workplace model for developing knowledge for European Collaboration
EuroCompetence is a transnational co-operational project granted from the European Commision SOCRATES programme within the field of ODL. There are seven partners in five different European countries: Greece, Italy, Sweden, Norway and United Kingdom.
29.9.2000: The project has finished the work. Alle reports are available via links under the heading Products below.Summary
The project EuroCompetence has an objective to develop and try out a flexible model for further studies for Adult learners. As the title indicates, the model will cover the need for competence among employees in Industry and Public sector who are going to collaborate with other companies and institutions in Europe. The content in the study program is based on the following four subject areas:
- Information Technology in general and the use of Internet in particular.
- Methods and Tools for professional Collaboration over Internet, CSCW - Computer Supported Collaborative Work.
- EU standards, Programmes, rules for collaboration etc. in addition to Languages and Cultur.
- Practical skills and knowledge achieved by Project work with members coming from companies and institutions across Europe.
In Norway, and elsewhere in Europe there is a growing awareness of the need for in-service training and further education. Several papers has been published on the matter. A very central and important measure in the realisation of organised offers are the use of ODL, based on ICT - Information and Communication Technologies. However there is general agreement that a lot of development work has to be done in this area, both to develop relevant studies using the workplace as learning arena, and pedagogy for adults in relation to ICT and flexible learning, ODL.
EuroCompetence is a proposal that covers both basic professional approaches to the problem of using ICT and ODL for Adults, in addition to a particular focus on the European dimension.
Organization of the project
The project is organized in six different workpackages. The Workpacages of the program are
- Models for supplier networks.
- Critical demands in key EU areas.
- Competence Gaps : A system for exploring individual and organisational knowledge gaps.
- ODL models for Adult learners.
- User trials.
- Evaluation and dissemination.
Project information and outcome
Course catalogue, spring 2000
- WP1 Report: Supplier networks(Word97, 190K)
- WP2 Report: Critical demands in EU(Word97, 4M)
- WP3 Guidelines: Competence gap (Word97, 200K)
- WP4 Report: Generic ODL study plan - (Word97, 500K)
- WP4 Report: Developing a Pedagogic Model for Adult learners (Word97, 130K)
- WP5 Report: Action Learning used in an ODL Course Model for Adult Learners (Word97, 1,5M)
- WP5 Courses:
- WP6 Report: Evaluation report
Training and Development Survey
If you have any questions regarding the EuroCompetence products, send an e-mail to the project leader Thorleif.Hjeltnes@aitel.hist.no.
- DoODL - in english
- MECPOL - in english
- JITOL - the website is closed
- NITOL - mainly norwegian text
- EONT - in english
- Other Socrates ODL projects
Internal project information (password required)
Agder College Mid Sweden University Technological Educational Institution (T.E.I, Thessaloniki) University of Rome University of Greenwich University of Sheffield The research foundation TISIP
Last Updated: Sept. 29, 2000 by Geir M, TISIP